Chris's choice today, so we were back down to the Hudson and the piers again, this time to visit the USS Intrepid, which is now the Museum of Air, Sea and Space. We missed a couple of bits that Chris couldn't access with his stick - watching one kid take a tumble down one of the near-vertical ladders was enough to make us appreciate our limitations! (The kid was ok, and got his just desserts for messing on the stairs!)
The place is huge, and a big kid's dream! More planes than you'd know what to do with! The biggest of the lot is parked on the pier beside the aircraft carrier - Concorde. It's surprising how small it is inside.
We skipped the USS Growler - they have a porthole you need to get through to be able to go on the tour - and neither of us were game for climbing through holes 18 inches off the ground!
Headed over to the East Side for lunch and some shopping. We found an O'Neill's bar on Third Avenue, which does great burgers!
Came back to the hotel to grop off the shopping, and grab a siesta - oooh, foot soak! This evening, we mooched round some of the touristy shops on Times Square, and indulged in a bit more people watching. The atmosphere's great round there, really chilled out! We keep talking about going to a Broadway Show, but we can't actually agree on one we both want to see!

Today's pics are here.
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